Feature: Just Believe It!
Just believe it!
If faith can move mountains, belief can turn your life around.
We Indians inherently believe in belief. So much so, we are forever telling people around us to believe. But how many of us believe in ourselves? In all we can do? In all the good things of life?
The power of positive thinking can never be underestimated, it has been known to work wonders on those who are seriously deficient in self-confidence as well as those who are drifting aimlessly through life. When you start to create a zone of constructive thoughts, it acts like a protective shield, a cocoon that insulates you against adversities with the power of your mind.
What needs work is the direction of those happy thoughts. Merely thinking happy thoughts will not be a long-term panacea; it will only create a bubble that will burst all too soon. After which, it will be harder to pick up the pieces. You need to put some serious thought into your beliefs and be consistent about them.
Belief No. 1 You deserve the best and it will come to you. You are special; take the time to think about the many ways in which you are special. Your talents, your communicative skills, your multi-tasking abilities, your smile, your be autiful hands…it’s just a matter of time before you get all the goodies life has in store for you.
Belief No. 2 Count your blessings and don’t dwell on the negative. It’s never too late to inculcate the habit of mentally ticking off all that you have going for you. And don’t forget to include the little things, too : your collection of old coins, your good health, that gorgeous dog of yours.
Of course, life has dealt you a fair share of lemons and if you can’t make lemonade, just think about those lows for a few minutes, then cast them out of your mind and out of your life.
Belief No. 3 Be kind to all you meet. Without exception. Kindness really does beget kindness. It has also been proved to be a buffer against ill health, a mental health booster, a de-stressor. Of course, all this makes sense only if your kindness is shown to all and sundry, not a selective set.
Belief No. 4 Have three great friends. They could be men and women you’ve been young and wild with, people you met and bonded with later on in life, people you instantly connect with. The thing is, having and holding onto the right beliefs becomes that much easier when you are surrounded by
at least three people who make you feel good about yourself, one way or the other.
Belief No. 5 Have a dream to dream. This is vital. The kind of dream that makes your heart soar, yet is rooted in reality so you know you will realise that dream sometime in life. The kind of dream that infuses everything you do and say, everything you think, with a special passion. A dream that fuels your life.
Now, if you thought this was a five-step plan to instant nirvana, sorry, but that’s not how it works. Now that you have your belief system in place, you need to work on the antidote, too.
That is the set of ‘unbeliefs’ that dent your self-esteem, that seriously impair your progress towards realising your full potential. Spend some time pondering the unbeliefs listed below and ensure they have no place in your mind.
Unbelief No 1. That you need to be less fat, younger, wealthier, to be in your prime. You are as young, vibrant, rich as you want to be. You can do anything you set your mind to do. So don’t sweat over the silly issues.
Unbelief No 2. That hard work without tooting your own horn will take you places. And that you don’t need help. Sure, you work hard and do a good job, too, but you need to have others know. Not bragging mind, just putting your achievements in the visible zone. A mentor, a guide can be of great help.
Unbelief No 3. That you can get away with lies. At this point, you are reviewing all the small bluffs that you have got away with all the years. Lies that haven’t harmed anyone, you tell yourself. Well, every little lie has harmed someone, wittingly or otherwise. And it will all come back to you, sooner or later.
Unbelief No 4. That you can’t say ‘no.’ You can, only, you need to work on the delivery of that word. You need to be able to say it firmly, politely, but without closing any door that you may want to open later.
Unbelief No 5. That some people always are lucky but never you, no siree. Luck plays no real part in the lives of those who have done well for themselves. Hard work, determination, focus, drive, ambition, yes. Luck, no.
Unbelief No 6. That you can quit anytime. That one quick smoke or drink or something won’t hurt. This is the all-pervasive power of the rut. The rut you are in and ruts have high walls to scale. Appreciate and acknowledge that and you’ll be ready to really quit.
Unbelief No 7. That you could do more if you had more time. Hey, who has time, anyway? Learn to manage your time.
This ran in THE HINDU of 5 July 2007.