Comfortably Numb

Sheila Kumar's Storehouse

Column: From Austria without much love

From Austria, without much love The first indication  that things were going to go off the beaten track came while I was prepping for a trip to Austria. I`d asked my TA to find me a day trip to Hallstatt, the postcard-pretty Alpine village. My TA, bless her, got to work but kept reporting that…

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Daunt Books: a treasure trove in Marylebone

Treasure trove This is such a pretty bookshop, it almost diverts attention from the substantial collection of books it holds. Almost. The first Daunt bookstore, situated on a quiet road in Marylebone, a London suburb,  was formerly an Edwardian antiquarian bookshop. That ambience has been retained, and translates to a gorgeous oak gallery, old-fashioned skylights…

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Column: When enough is enough

Enough, already! Let`s play a quick word game. I`ll throw a word at you, and you make the necessary associations. The word,  used as a noun, is: enough. In response, I  hear you say: ordinary. Limited. Average, tepid. No more, no less. My turn now. And I`m saying: equanimity. Balance, liberation.  Happiness. I`m saying we…

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Column: Happy is as happy does

In the pursuit of happiness, being kind is key Could we dwell for a few moments on the concept of happiness, please? Truth to tell, after Pharrell Williams` catchy tune of the same name, we haven’t really paused to think too hard about the state of being happy. Again, truth to tell, we lead uber-hectic…

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Column: All who wander are lost but happily so

The Popcorn Brain syndrome Tech terminology has unleashed another kicker  on us, telling us all about  the popcorn brain and how to avoid developing one. The term refers to a multitude of  kernel-like thoughts jostling about in one`s brain, rather than one or more substantial concepts. It  was coined by a researcher at the University…

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Column: Widen your circle of friends

Widen that circle and you`ll be happier A couple of things I read recently has stayed with me. One is an Eli Shafak quote which goes  like this: humans think they know with certainty where their being ends and someone else`s starts. With their roots tangled and caught up underground, linked to fungi and bacteria,…

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Column: Let`s cut the ostriches some slack

Let`s cut the ostriches some slack You know the ostriches I`m talking about. The moment the topic turns to something deeper than if Dunki is a hit or if the southern part of the country is indeed having a mild winter, some people get an uncomfortable look on their faces. They shrug, they smile painfully….

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Feature: The Anita Nair Interview

` In many ways Borei Gowda echoes my thoughts and feelings` The one word to describe all three of Anita Nair`s Borei Gowda novels would be the Merriam-Webster word for this year: authentic. In Hot Stage, the cop goes about first uncovering homicides then solving whodunnit in the contemplative yet  brisk and very authentic manner…

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Column: Do You Still Call On People?

Do you still call on people? It was a quaint custom, one handed down to us via our colonial masters, one we faithfully, happily followed. It involved people getting dressed up, not necessarily to the nines, but quite definitely in their Sunday best. They then went around to other people`s places, rang the doorbell and…

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Column: Let`s reset for the journey rather than the destination

  Let`s reset for the journey rather than the destination   This is my ode to the paths we take to reach someplace. Let`s face it, most times it`s all about reaching rather than relishing the journey. We stride on our paths, gathering speed, sidestep what we perceive to be obstacles,  and are relieved when…

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