Comfortably Numb

Sheila Kumar's Storehouse

Travel: Andaman Islands

  Paradise islands More than a year after the tsunami, the Andaman and  Nicobar islands are seeing a new rush of visitors. Sheila Kumar is among them The tsunami of December 2004 savaged the Nicobar Islands, and did not spare the Andamans either. A series of unrelenting tremblers inflicted damage on roads and buildings, submerged lighthouses and…

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Travel: Andamans after the tsunami

  Just ten days before the sea surged over the Andamans, I was holidaying on its white-sanded beaches… Christmas time is when people flock to the Andamans. That is also when the tidal waves hit in 2004, marauding the Andaman and savaging the Nicobar islands. Since D-day which was Christmas day, over 70 tremors have rocked…

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