Comfortably Numb

Sheila Kumar's Storehouse


Book review: A Bend in the River of Life by Marianne de Nazareth

A Bend in the River of Life by Marianne de Nazareth. Leadstart Books. Now here`s a dilemma. Can one label a book that deals with the onset and relentless progress of Parkinsonism in a set of parents, a happy read? Impactful, yes. Informative, very much so. Disturbing, well, that`s a given, dealing as it does…

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Book review: Gut by Giulia Enders

This is more a brief take than a  review of the book.  Gut by microbiologist Giulia Enders (Speaking Tiger Books) turned out to be not a run of the mill pick but a very informative read. The style is most reader-friendly, almost light and chatty but the gravitas of the contents is unmissable. The presentation…

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Feature: The Issac Mathai/ Soukya Interview

  Wholesome Healing: Back to tradition Living better should come to you as easily as breathing, says Dr. Issac Mathai who talks about his attitude to healthcare and his new book on holistic healing. The Soukya International Holistic Health Centre has, for over a dozen years now, been a classic example of how integrated holistic…

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Feature: Can That One Drink Hurt You?

 Can that one drink hurt you? Drinking, even light, social drinking, carries its own baggage. Just as long as you know.  The thing is, we have evolved enough not to mistake light drinking for alcoholism. So. What is light drinking? To be exact, it’s having 1.5 ounces of hard alcohol each day, or 5 ounces…

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Feature: Listen to the Poet

As new forms of stress keep mutating, it really is time to press the pause button. So. Listen to the poet. Which poet, you ask? Why, the one who asked us to stop and smell the roses. To which, we shrug and say, “All very well, but who has the time?” Or we smile in…

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Feature: Osteo Alert

Osteo alert! Asians, more particularly women, are susceptible to osteoporosis,  according to research. Have you put your osteo-fighters in place? We’ve been noticing them for years, bent old men and women, with gnarled fingers and toes. People who only need to trip to break a bone or two. People who suffer from chronic joint pain. Some…

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