Comfortably Numb

Sheila Kumar's Storehouse

Book review: The Book of Bullah by Manjul Bajaj

THE BOOK OF BULLAH, A Selection of Verses by Manjul Bajaj. Amaryllis Books. Sometimes it all comes together in a beautiful manner, as it has in this book: Bulleh Shah`s mellifluous verses rendered equally mellifluously in English by Manjul Bajaj, accompanied by some striking illustrations all sticking to the specific theme of footsteps, by Danette…

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Book review: In Search of Heer by Manjul Bajaj

Having decided on a retelling of the fable of Heer and Ranjha, writer Manjul Bajaj has dipped her pen verily in a lyrical stream. Lushly packed with evocative descriptions of young men and old, of nubile girls and timorous old women, of men with evil on their mind, a swiftly flowing river, cattle both fine…

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