Comfortably Numb

Sheila Kumar's Storehouse

Book review: A House for Mr Misra by Jaishree Misra

Trivandrum Diary A House for Mr Misra (Westland) This slim volume is the ideal  read when you are between books that tackle matters of a more serious, even grim nature. Or in my case, a break from editing a turgid manuscript. Written rather like a Trivandrum diary fleshed out in engaging detail, it keeps the…

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Humour: The Great Indian ET

The Indian ET The Indian traveler is no longer an arriviste… he has arrived! Sheila Kumar delves into the psyche of  this peripatetic tribal. Who is he? He is The Great Indian Traveller, more popularly known by his other name, ET. ET stands for Enthusiastic Tourist. The ET should not be confused with the OIA,…

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