Comfortably Numb

Sheila Kumar's Storehouse

Book review: Writing the City, edited by Stuti Khanna

Depicted as experienced  This slim volume contains literary essays that artfully entwine the perfectly compatible strands of travel and personal memoir to good effect. A list of known names write about the cities they have situated their works in, the cities of their imagination versus the reality, the cities that strike a creative chord in…

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Book review: Englishhh by Altaf Tyrewala/ Passion Flower: Seven Stories of Derangement by Cyrus Mistry

Read a brace of short stories by a couple of acclaimed authors virtually back- to- back, and emerged shaking my head ruefully. Engglishhh by Altaf Tyrewala , published by Fourth Estate. I can’t even say that I was taken in by the hype because I have read both authors before; I quite liked `Mumbai Noir,`…

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