Comfortably Numb

Sheila Kumar's Storehouse

Published on: 12/11/16 7:32 AM

Book review: Bridget Jones`s Baby by Helen Fielding

This is more a brief take than review.

Bridget Jones`s Baby The Diaries by Helen Fielding

More of stir-crazy Bridge and her pals Shazzer, Tom, Miranda, Magda. More of the craziness. More of the longing. More of the torn betwixt still-the- cad Daniel Cleaver and the rod-up-his-arse Mark Darcy.  A chucklesome read.

There is, but of course, lots of booze, bonking and some babies, too. And amidst all the chuckles, some real gold nuggets. Here`s one suchlike passage:

Grrr! I hate technology. Wish technology had never been invented. When did it suddenly happen that you can`t do anything without remembering some sort of weird mixed-up name or number? Is exactly like car burglar alarms used to be when your car was more likely to be broken into if you had a car alarm because the alarm kept going off and annoying everyone so much that they simply smashed the window and broke it. Passwords are supposed to stop Russian hackers from getting into the computer — not stop YOU from getting into your own computer,  or indeed, anything , while the Russian hackers get on with hacking all your stuff.

Now I ask you: is there any female above 35 who doesn`t identify with the above pov?!!

babyBridget JonesHelen Fielding

Sheila Kumar • December 11, 2016

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