Book review: The Shooting Star by Shivya Nath
The Shooting Star by Shivya Nath. Penguin Books.
It`s been just under five years that Shivya Nath has impinged herself on the traveller`s consciousness and made us all compulsive readers of her blog posts.
The Shooting Star (Penguin Books) is a lovely travel memoir, exuberantly soaring one moment reflective the next, curious and questioning the moment after that.
There are epiphanies on almost every page, there are the most amazing descriptions of people and places, and there is a soul-baring honesty to her writing that cannot but strike a chord in the reader.
A girl, her backpack and the world, says the tagline. This travel writer turned entrepreneur turned travel blogger turned author, sheds her living spaces and her belongings, she loosens all her relationships including with her partner, she challenges her fears by taking them head-on, and somewhere on the journey, learns to become more tolerant of people not like her.
However, that journey is by no means over yet, not for Nath and vicariously, not for the reader who travels with her via her posts and this book.
A lovely read.